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What is Medicinal Cannabis?
Medicinal cannabis refers to pharmaceutical grade extracts of the Cannabis Sativa plant. Although there are literally hundreds of phytochemicals found in this plant, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the most widely studied for potential uses in humans to treat a wide variety of medical conditions. Many other phytochemicals from this plant are currently being investigated both individually and in combinations for medicinal benefits.
Changes in the law a few years ago renewed interest in cannabis as a medical therapy, although the history of use of this plant goes back to ancient times.
Although a natural plant-based medicine, medicinal cannabis can interact with many other medications both prescribed, over the counter or herbal, and like any medication can have side effects for some. Driving restrictions exist in Victoria when taking medicinal cannabis.
Medical cannabis can only be supplied and prescribed on a valid prescription after careful and thorough health evaluation by a medical doctor, through the Special Access Scheme which allows access to unregistered therapeutic goods, or via compounding, where a medicine is prescribed and then made up by a compounding pharmacy for a specific individual. Certain doctors have Authorised Prescriber status due to their expertise with medicinal cannabis therapies.
Medicinal cannabis can be taken in a variety of ways including by mouth, inhalation and through transdermal means (via the skin).
No medicinal cannabis products are currently subsidised through the PBS scheme in Australia.
What is Cannabis Compounding ?
Compounded medicines play an important role in servicing patient needs not met by big pharma. Compounded products can be prescribed for individual patients according to their specific needs, including allergies and swallowing issues. The benefits of this with medicinal cannabis is that both the strength and ratio of CBD and THC can be individualised according to each patient. Even the choice of flavour can be personalised. Close collaboration between prescriber, patient and compounder can play an important role in improving treatment outcomes with medicinal cannabis.
Cannabis Compounding Educational Blogs

Investing in technology – meet MAZ® and RAM®!
Compounding has come a long way since a mortar, pestle and a strong right arm were the mainstays of mixing a good product in a pharmacy setting.

Is the endocannabinoid system the new medical frontier?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a fairly recently discovered transmitter or signalling system within our bodies that regulates and impacts a huge number of vital functions.

Prescribed Plant Based vs Illegal Sources
Anyone that has considered plant-based therapy has probably also considered the various illegal or black-market sources of cannabis in its various forms. Why go through all the red tape and extra cost, you may well ask.

Driving & Medicinal Cannabis
Whether you can drive while taking medicinal cannabis is an important and commonly asked question. Put simply, it is illegal throughout Australia to drive with any THC detected in your system, whether it is taken as a prescribed medicine or not.